Alert Management on desktop¶
EWARS-in-a-box lets you access your alert log on your laptop whilst you are offline, so you can rapidly be notified and follow-up on alerts as quickly as possible.
Alert dashboard¶
1. The alert dashboard provides an overview of all alerts that are active and inactive in EWARS.
To open the alert dashboard, click on the Alert tab
2. Alternatively you can click on the short-cut in the top menu bar
The settings to define the alert thresholds for each type of alert in EWARS is controlled in Administration > Alarms
Alert log¶
1. The default view of alerts is in the form of an Alert Log. This shows a list of all alerts and key information about them.
2. You can move between active and closed alerts, by selecting the relevant tabs. To view alerts in a map view, click on the map tab.
The settings to control which geographic level of alerts in the map view is controlled in Administration > Settings > Alarms
Opening an alert¶
1. To open an alert, double click the row or click the view icon
This will open a panel to show you the details of the alert.
Viewing the details of an alert¶
1. The alert panel includes a number of tabs:
Tab | Description |
Overview | Status of the alert according to the alert workflow |
Records | Shows the record(s) that triggered the alert |
Activity | Shows comments and actions taken so far on the alert |
Analysis | Displays a graph with an historical trend for the alert |
Users | Lists the users current invited to the alert |
Alert Management¶
Stage 1. Verification¶
1. Click on Start Verification
to open up the Verification notes panel.
2. Add notes on the verification of the alert. When completed, click on the relevant outcome:
- Discard
- Monitor
- Start Risk Assessment
3. Use the buttons above to Submit, Save as Draft or Cancel.
Stage 2. Risk Assessment¶
1. After Verifiication, if an alert is progressed to the next stage of Risk Assessment it will appear active in the alert workflow.
2. Click on Start Risk Assessment
to open up the Risk Assessment panel.
3. Add notes on the results of the risk assessment of the alert, based on hazard, exposure and context.
4. When completed, use the buttons above to Submit, Save as Draft or Cancel.
Stage 3. Risk Characterisation¶
1. Following Risk Assessment, a level of risk needs to be assigned to an Alert. This is done at the Risk Characterisation stage.
2. Click on Start Risk Characterisation
to open up the Risk Characterisation panel and to see the Risk Matrix.
3. Click on a cell within the Risk Matrix to assign a level of risk. The panel on the right will update to reflect the likelihood, consequences and actions that need to be taken based on each level of risk.
4. When completed, use the buttons above to Submit, Save as Draft or Cancel.
Stage 4. Outcome¶
1. The final step in the alert management process is to assign a final outcome to the alert. Following Risk Characterisation, the alert will automatically be progressed to the stage of Outcome and it will appear active in the alert workflow.
2. Click on Start Risk Outcome
to open up the Risk Characterisation panel and to see the Risk Matrix.
3. Click on a cell within the Risk Matrix to assign a level of risk. The panel on the right will update to reflect the likelihood, consequences and actions that need to be taken based on each level of risk.
4. When completed, use the buttons above to Submit, Save as Draft or Cancel.
5. Congratulations! You have just successfully managed an alert in EWARS! All alerts that have completed the outcome stage will now be moved to the Closed alerts
Re-opening an alert¶
1. After a final outcome has been assigned to an alert, it will be closed. However, if new information becomes available - or if a repeat risk assessment is required - then it may be necessary to reopen an alert and to update information.
2. To re-open an alert, go to the closed Alerts tab
and open to view the details of the alert.
3. Click on the Re-open alert
button. You will then also need to enter a reason why the alert is being re-opened.
4. Enter the reason and click on Re-open alert
in the open box to confirm and move the alert back to the Open alerts tab. It will be reset back to the Verification stage, and you can review and edit the information entered in all the previous stages.